Sunday, August 07, 2005

my name

just so i have it in print. in case i wake up one day and forget, however unlikely.

my name "fusselman's rabbit" comes from chapter 6 or so of Phillip K. Dick's Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said. within which there is this little story or fable about a bunny rabbit trying desperately to be something it isn't and can never be; a dog. it's a good little story/metaphor and i've always related to it, i even included a reference to the story within a paper i wrote for a comparative literature class. i got an A on the paper, i think i did on all the papers in that class, it was on Don Quixote. the parallel was made between the Don's attempt to be what he isn't and the bunny's. differences being whether or not they achieve their goal. not everyone gets to. in this duel the bunny was the loser. fusselman's rabbit.

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