Saturday, October 22, 2005

damaged goods

"i could love slobs and bastards," she continued. "i've had cripples and creeps in the sack, and i've bent over backwards for them. but for the first time, i meet a guy who really had it all. good looking, brainy. the whole time i couldn't help thinking, what's the matter with this guy? when's he gonna dump me? he's not gonna keep a pig like me around, no way. i felt fucking anxious as hell, like he's going to get under my skin and bang, drop me from heaven. well, i finally couldn't take it anymore. i told him i never wanted to see him again. he wouldn't leave it at that, so i damaged him and finally went off with another guy. the next day, when i heard he offed himself, i realized that he wasn't fucking around with me, that he really loved me." she started to cry in a painful and frightening way.
sometimes our past experiences don't let us trust good things.


Anonymous said...

Well, Warmish Anyway
In a perfect reflexive moment, I caught a glimpse of my last blog in Bloglines, and scoffed aloud: weblogs are the 'hottest new' anything? --- No, no podcasting is the newest, and there are one or two of those ...
It's amazing what can be learned on a blog. Thank you for being an excellent blog creator. This is very enjoyable! I Bookmarked you so I can come back (hope that's okay...

Sweet job, you should keep working on this.
my site's about: discount dog house

:-) have a nice day.

fusselman's rabbit said...

i love that the last response generalized bloggers as obese girls complaining about the aesthetic standards of society. i wonder how many blog posts the first paragraph applies to. it really seems like poor attempts at advertising, do these things really work? you'd think people would give up on it.

fusselman's rabbit said...

on second thought they should all be blunt and straight to the point:

"you are deep and interesting, please send me your money, love every few days."