Sunday, January 15, 2006

walk away like you have a purpose

i used to be ok with being miserable. i used to think it was good for building artistic character or motivation. now it does nothing but simmer. people watch pornography for sport. like it's a game, watching other people have sex on camera. entertainment. let's get together and sit around on my sofa and watch the tv and maybe people will be having sex on the tv, i don't know. whatever happens to be playing. perhaps we'll have condoms in the candy dish on the table. no promises. this is what people do for entertainment in the modern world. watch porno in groups that maybe burst into orgies. one can only hope wishes come true to such an extent. but maybe they don't and people just sit there watching other people have sex, maybe with hard ons, maybe not, depending on how desensitized they are to these things. eventually they wont be able to count the hours/days they've spent watching other people have sex. it might equal or exceed the amount of time they've had sex. one day they'll wake up and won't be able to decipher the experiences. one day they may find that nothing makes them happy, but they know exactly what makes them less unhappy. let's turn to this certainty in the face of a world which we like to have so much control over. maybe communism is wrong, but we need to be more specific regarding our definitions.

1 comment:

that_robot said...

all of tonight, i was thinking of how alienating it is to be a person watching other people have sex. something about it just sounds strange:

the group lounges and watches others have sex on the television.

people watching other people fucking.

what a bizarre night.

communism is wrong by definition for private investment interests. see Cuba. most people make it out of there OK