amnesia.....nostalgia.....It seems that an interesting play comes in here with the conceptual construction of temporal relationships. As we try to subsume the past as we phenomenally experienced it (at least in one point, or some sense), we try to reconstruct it and in turn invent our past constantly, a past that we want to have happened, a past that might have happened in some parallel universe or on some unconsious state of chance conjectures without our ability to precieve it at the time. The past is subsumed, the past is subsuming.....the past is no longer the author of the present, the conjecture of the present totaly overdetermines the past, and reconstructs it.... Past events only gain meaning through their sembelance through the tasks at hand with overdetermine preception and allow us to recognize patterns (but these patterns in a sense are overdetermined by the current state, and how we reconstruct the past in order to make sense of the chance conjectures that are interpellating us and defining us (i.e. subjectifying us).
I feel that i put too much emphasis on the present determaning the past, while i ment to say that all traditional senses of determination (telelogical, mechanistic/transformative) have no place in my personal sense of historiography. While it leads one down a rabbit hole of discontinuation, chaos, insanity, the levels of regress lead one into a temporal duration to find the contingency of nessecity, and the nessecity of contingancy. Breath... Act... All exsistence is but a continual act of dialogue, self construction/constructed, reframing our phenomenal preceptions around us and watching every relationship seep into our veins. Watch, as representation(or rather representation[s]) slowly fade and morph. I am the pumpkin king!
amnesia.....nostalgia.....It seems that an interesting play comes in here with the conceptual construction of temporal relationships. As we try to subsume the past as we phenomenally experienced it (at least in one point, or some sense), we try to reconstruct it and in turn invent our past constantly, a past that we want to have happened, a past that might have happened in some parallel universe or on some unconsious state of chance conjectures without our ability to precieve it at the time. The past is subsumed, the past is subsuming.....the past is no longer the author of the present, the conjecture of the present totaly overdetermines the past, and reconstructs it.... Past events only gain meaning through their sembelance through the tasks at hand with overdetermine preception and allow us to recognize patterns (but these patterns in a sense are overdetermined by the current state, and how we reconstruct the past in order to make sense of the chance conjectures that are interpellating us and defining us (i.e. subjectifying us).
I feel that i put too much emphasis on the present determaning the past, while i ment to say that all traditional senses of determination (telelogical, mechanistic/transformative) have no place in my personal sense of historiography. While it leads one down a rabbit hole of discontinuation, chaos, insanity, the levels of regress lead one into a temporal duration to find the contingency of nessecity, and the nessecity of contingancy. Breath... Act... All exsistence is but a continual act of dialogue, self construction/constructed, reframing our phenomenal preceptions around us and watching every relationship seep into our veins. Watch, as representation(or rather representation[s]) slowly fade and morph. I am the pumpkin king!
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