Sunday, December 11, 2005

rockstars are not normal people.

i call 'em like i see 'em
he told stories between the acoustic songs he played. they didn't really go anywhere, but no one cared. they just wanted to feel a part of something more. a world they'd only heard through speakers and headphones. a world that no longer exists and even small traces like memories are becoming more scarce. the extinction of moments is constant and infinite. the thousands of fans he's played for has now dwindled to fifty, and it feels more like an open mic than a concert. getting older can't make it easier, but it doesn't seem to matter. there's an honesty and sincerity behind it that you can't fake. he's an artist because he's trying to say something, and it's obvious. he hasn't given up like those crippled by their own past. he's doing something new and no one can stop him. the world will be a different place.


that_robot said...

good show?

fusselman's rabbit said...

yes, you would have enjoyed.

hulia said...

rod stewart?

fusselman's rabbit said...

no julia, only you listen to rod stewart. as everyone can tell by your page.

hulia said...

thanks for that.