Wednesday, February 15, 2006

the important thing is gone, all is gibberish.

hard working people, most don't want to face reality, so instead they lalalalalalalala.

certain people would live forever if they could, they're the same people who wouldn't hesitate to doot do doot doot doot.

all some people look forward to in life is bwat n do dat n bwat n do dat.

boom ba doom ba doom is all you're missing out on.

with blamalamalam blamalamalam you could have anything you wanted.

you have been lied to about something you wish you hadn't, because people baa baa bop shoo bop shoo bop.

the future will be blam blam ba blum blum deedily dee.

1 comment:

that_robot said...

good looking out, brotha