Monday, March 27, 2006

she's about twice my age now

i asked momma what that smell is. she says the air's cleaner. not so polluted as in the cities i'm from. says it's better for me. i don't care, i miss the dirty air i'm from. i'll make friends with smokers, just to breathe a different air. just to keep the cleaner air from telling me of everything that's gone. i told momma it doesn't seem worth it, working most your life to stay alive. she responded like the thought had never crossed her mind. but you can tell, she's no happier about it than me.


that_robot said...

we were hunters and gatherers. then some of us stockpiled enough food to have a marketplace. people invested their time in things less important than food, as they needn't worry about not finding any. great inventions were made and shared so as to make life even easier and that's why we have so much traffic. people going to and fro work, earning a salary to provide for yourself and others. a glorified marketplace. the people themselves, more glorified now, choosing to spend their idle time grooming and punching buttons on gadgets. lots of gadgets and people and foodstuffing. many lights. no more darkness, no more night

constant communication and an endless flow of ideas, this is postmodern: where our ideas and desires become washed out and mindless, as we are dialing our friends asking what the other is wearing today, tomorrow, and perhaps next week.

time for a vow of silence, a vow for nudity, and anti-technology. i was thinking about the hope parade. this is a fun idea. we'd need someone to play with a baton and a convertible converted into a great hope float, something with streamers.

20 GOTO 10

Anonymous said...

Hey - this is good stuff.
Thanks for the link.
I'll be back to read more...I'm kind of at work right now. By "kind of" I mean, I am.