Friday, June 02, 2006

god dies in the fine line.

everyone knew the motive behind each action he took. just as her motives were commonly understood. the two of them weren't all that different really. they were both drunk on wine and what they wanted of each other. the next day, one will leave them hungover, while the other leads them away from who they are and towards who they'll become. we're always going in a direction towards or away from things. away from the things we know, towards the unknown.

if the few people you interact with in your lifetime happen to consider you odd, and treat you as such, you might consider yourself to be odd, possibly causing you to act more odd out of insecurity. the other people in the world might have considered you perfectly normal. the loneliest, strangest people have only to meet one right person to be a little less lonely.

god dies in the fine line, sleepwalking towards truth, forgetting how to act, focusing on the temporal nature of things.

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