Friday, January 13, 2006


i didn't want to get out of bed. hours after i had, i regretted it. even as i go to bed i wonder why i bother leaving. i'm told one day i'll miss this. i feel like you could say that about anything which makes nostalgia worth nothing.


that_robot said...

define worth please.

fusselman's rabbit said...

worth1 P Pronunciation Key (wûrth)
The quality that renders something desirable, useful, or valuable: the worth of higher education.
Material or market value: stocks having a worth of ten million dollars.
A quantity of something that may be purchased for a specified sum or by a specified means: ten dollars' worth of natural gas; wanted their money's worth.
Wealth; riches: her net worth.
Quality that commands esteem or respect; merit: a person of great worth.

Equal in value to something specified: worth its weight in gold.
Deserving of; meriting: a proposal not worth consideration.
Having wealth or riches amounting to: a person worth millions.

fusselman's rabbit said...

we're all speaking the same language but saying different things.